20. Kimberly Ramsawak - Become a Professional Jetsetter
Kimberly Ramsawak, Pennsylvania -
Do you want to become a Professional Jetsetter and get paid to travel the world while engaging in a career that leverages your expertise and delivers more JOY and fulfillment?
Yes! Of course, you do.
So I had a chat with Kimberly about her journey through undergrad and grad school to becoming an expert in this space. We also talked about to leverage your experience to transition to a new career, and the process of reinvention while launching a new chapter of your life or business.
We also get a special treat from the momtrepreneur life at the end of this recording. Tune in!
Show title: Become a Professional Jetsetter
Kimberly’s website: http://www.ProfessionalJetsetter.com